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What’s On at NEC Birmingham March 2019

What’s on at NEC Birmingham March 2019

What’s On at NEC Birmingham March 2019

With a veritable host of events in March, the NEC event calendar is bursting at the seams!

The National Wedding Show 1-3 March 2019

With everything from grooms wear to catwalks full of the latest beautiful wedding gowns and attire, Hall 4 at the NEC Birmingham will have everything the happy couple will need for their Big Day. Don’t forget, you can hire demonstrators and models from NEC Exhibition Staff for this well-attended, popular wedding show.

What Career Live? What University Live? – 1 – 2 March 2019

An interactive two-day event, this show is billed as a must-go-to for anyone aged 15 to 19. From finding your vocation to finding the best university, this could be a life-changing show for many teenagers this March.

Hemp & CBD Expo 2 – 3 March 2019

Hemp is not a new material and neither is CBD oil and related products, but it is certainly a misunderstood area of healthcare. This expo aims to bust some of those myths, taking a fresh look at what hemp and CBD could offer patients in the UK.

Crufts 7 – 10 March 2019

With over 22,000 dogs competing in various classes, there is more than enough to keep the whole family entertained. Unfortunately, unless you are competing, you can’t bring your pet pooch with you to Crufts but they wouldn’t mind a treat or two from the many stands and booths in the sales section of the expo.

Nursing Careers and Jobs Fair 12 March 2019

The healthcare industry is always rowing and undergoing change and so any qualified nurses looking for new opportunities.  As well as health care assistants and other important roles, would do well to enjoy the careers fair at the NEC Birmingham this coming March.

Need hands-on staff? We can supply all kinds of promotional staff and exhibition staff.

The Big Bang Fair 2019 13 – 16 March 2019

Encouraging young people to pursue careers and an interest in engineering, science and related subjects is what this massive four-day event is all about. Schools are expected to attend from across the country, no surprise when you see the interactions seminars and presentations on offer.

Sewing for Pleasure 14 – 17 March 2019

Even in the face of technology taking over every aspect of our lives, its great to see that crafting is still as popular as it ever was. This huge sewing expo attracts a large audience, especially as it also incorporates fashion and embroidery too.

The Creative Craft Show 14 – 17 March 2019

Event organisers and the NEC organisers are adept at offering similar shows at the same time, a sure fire way of swelling footfall. It makes sense for the Creative Craft Show to run at the same time as Sewing for Pleasure, a fantastic day out if ever there was one.

The Photography Show 16 – 19 March 2019

With such rapid advances in photographic equipment and tech, its no wonder this show has blossomed to become a busy four-day event. For the first time, the 2019 show includes The Video Show too.

The UK Concrete Show 20 – 21 March 2019

Who would have thought that concrete would be the subject of a two-day show at one of the UK’s premier event centres? As it happens, concrete is one of those versatile materials that can be anything to anybody – and lasts a lifetime. Check out the latest innovations and uses at this amazing show.

Practical Classic Car and Renovation Show 22 – 24 March 2019

Last year this show attracted more than 28,000 visitors and this year is slated to be even bigger. If you are a car enthusiast, this is the show to visit and if your brand has its consumer base amongst motoring enthusiasts, then this is a must-exhibit event,

The Dementia Care and Nursing Home Expo 26 – 27 March 2019

Dementia is the biggest health crisis we face in the UK and the need to bring healthcare professionals to look at the best way of helping patients live with and manage dementia is key. This expo promises to face some of the current questions, as well as showcase innovations and products for care and nursing home settings.

NAIDEX 26 – 27 March 2019

Celebrating its 45th birthday, this expo brings together more than 350 exhibitors offering products and services to help people with disabilities to live independent lives. It promises to be big!

National Renovation and Home Building Show 28 – 31 March 2019

Thinking of renovating your home? Have a project in mind? Or maybe you have a product or service that home renovators and enthusiastic builders are looking for? This is the show where latest design trends, as well as amazing renovation ideas and results, will be exhibited. Can you afford NOT to be there?

Miniatura – The Dolls House and Miniature Show 30 – 31 March 2019

This show has been running for 35 years, a testament to just how keen people are for everything miniature. As well as stands, there are workshops galore, perfect for anyone who enjoys creating worlds in miniature as a hobby.

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